visual art & photography
Books and
Paolo Aldi - Photographer and visual artist
1955. Paolo Aldi is born in Rovereto on December 20
1974. After earning his scientific degree, Aldi works as a photographer for the daily newspaper “Alto Adige”.
1976. Opens his own studio in Rovereto. For many years he works in different educational experiences in schools in which photography is used as an interdisciplinary activity, with a particular interest in pinhole photography.
1986. Starts his color laboratory.
1988. Stops working with newspapers and focuses instead on his artistic pursuits in his studio and laboratory. His 15 years of photojournalistic work are collected and preserved at the Museo Storico del Trentino (Historical Museum of Trentino). For seven years serves as the President of the Trentino Professional Photographers Association.
1990. In the early 1990s, starts an exploration of older techniques of photo printing, with a particular focus on gum bichromate and callotype.
1995. Resumes his earlier work on the use of infrared film and begins to use it regularly in the field of portraiture.
1996. Starts regularly exhibiting his works of art. Also starts educational activities aimed primarily at teaching darkroom techniques; teaches photography courses for military conscripts in European projects; holds seminars and workshops at public and private colleges and educational institutions. Takes the cycle of photographs: Corpo (s)conosciuto [(Un)known body]
1997. Participates in a group exhibition of Italian photographers at the Acadamie des beaux arts in Tamines, Belgium. Has a solo show in Palermo at the Galleria fotografica Lewis Hine. Starts the production of the photographs for the cycle Fluttuazioni [Fluctuations].
1998. Is named the co-winner of the first prize at the Tuscan Fotofestival. Exhibits the work Fluttuazioni at the “Galleria le due spine” in Rovereto. Exhibits the new work Impressioni [Impressions] at the Palazzo Libera in Villa Lagarina. Exhibits Corpo (s)conosciuto at the Libreria Dante in Palermo.
1999. Co-founder of the Galleria Museo dell’Arte della Stampa – GAMS (Museum Gallery of the Art of Print) and organizes its photographic branch. Exhibits Fluttuazioni in New York, Florence, Brescia and Massa Marittima.
2000. Resumes pinhole photography and devotes himself to experimentation and its use. Curates the GAMS exhibit “Il linguaggio della stampa” [“The Language of the Press”], a series of exhibitions and educational presentations on reviving aspects of the fine art photographic print, offering an opportunity to reflect on the possibilities offered to photographic language by the knowledge and use of different materials and techniques.
2001. Begins the production of the handcrafted “HAL” device, an original design for a pinhole camera made ​​of cherrywood. Exhibits Fluttuazioni in Brussels. Exhibits at the Zero Art Gallery in Barcellona.
2002. Participates, with a room dedicated to his work, in the international exhibition of pinhole photography Senza obiettivo [Without a lens], in Santa Maria della Scala in Siena. He is one of the exhibitors at the Annual National Juried Art Exhibition in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA.
2003. Exhibits with other artists from Rovereto in the group show Tra un tempo che si sfalda e uno che nasce [Between a time that is shattering and one that is being born]. Also has a solo show at Savignano sul Rubicone, Lo sguardo stenopeico [The pinhole gaze].
Becomes a member of the board of the WPPD (Wordwide Pinhole Photography Day)
2004. In collaboration with the Province of Trento’s Department for Monuments and other Treasures, produces photographic prints of the exhibition “Professione donna” (Women’s Professions). Has a solo show in Palazzo Libera in Villa Lagarina (province of Trento) of Ritratti in Piazza [Portraits in the Plaza]: 50 large format portraits created with a pinhole camera. The volume Ritratti in Piazza is published by Nicolodi Editore. Becomes a member of the Coordinating Team of WPPD (Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day). Completes the cycle Cibi fantastici [Fantastic Foods].
2005. Conducts historical research and curates the exhibition “La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens” [“The Bell tells its story: The Autobiography of Maria Dolens”] for the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti.
2006. Handles the installation of the show La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens at the Offene Kirche Elisabathen church in Basil, Switzerland. In collaboration with both the Province of Trento’s Department for Monuments and other Treasures and the Association of Artisans and Small Businesses of the Province of Trento, prepares photographic prints for the exhibition “Sapere d’artigiano. Fotografie di vecchi mestieri trentini” [“Knowing craftsmanship. Photographs of old Trentino crafts”].
In collaboration with the Province of Trento’s Department for Monuments and other Treasures, prepares photographic prints from the negatives of Federico Vender for the exhibition “Architetture senza architetti” [“Architecture without architects”].
2007. Organizes Ant, prima e dopo l’inverno 2007 [Ant: before and after Winter 2007], which introduces the change of location of his atelier. At this occasion the cycle “Muffazioni” [“Moldings”] is shown for the first time.
2008. Opens a new Atelier at Via Rialto 47 in Rovereto. The new Atelier is “not just a store, but also an unusual grand studio, with a large gallery of photographs on the walls. The Atelier serves as both an exhibition space as well as a place for the sale of photographs, photographic materials and special rare and unusual equipment. …” Prints the photographs for the solo show of Peter Coffin at Manifesta 7. Installation of the “Bertolini Arte” Exhibition.
2009. Handles the installation of the show La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens in Marcinelle, Belgium in the former mine “Le Bois du Cazier.” Organizes and coordinates the first annual Rovereto Stenopeica [Pinhole Rovereto].
2010. Installation and performance of the “Acqua… essenza dell’essere” [“Water… Essence of Being”] exhibition, with Lia Grigoletti, in the Palazzo Bertolini in Rovereto. Organizes and coordinates the second annual Rovereto Stenopeica.
2011. Curates the exhibition “A 150 anni dall’Unità d’Italia il messaggio di Pace di Maria Dolens” (150 years from the Unification of Italy, the message of Peace of Maria Dolens) at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. Exhibits at the MIA Fair Milan at the invitation of the Scientific Committee of the organization. Curates an exhibition for the 25th anniversary of the cooperative Il Ponte di Rovereto. In collaboration with the Province of Trento’s Department for Monuments and other Treasures, makes photographic prints for the exhibition “Scatti di pietra. Sculture di Andrea Malfatti nella fotografia tra Otto e Novecento” (Shots of stone. Sculptures by Andrea Malfatti in 19th and 20th century photography). Together with his wife Lia Grigoletti, he develops a special technique derived from lumen prints with which to creatively “photograph” flowers. Organizes and coordinates the third annual Rovereto Stenopeica.
2012. Designs and creates for the artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò the optical apparatus for the “Camera Obscura” installed at the Maxxi musem in Rome. This work won the Italia 2012 Prize. Also designs and creates the optical apparatuses for Calò’s Camere obscure [Camera obscuras] a large installation at the Smart Museum in Amsterdam. Organizes and coordinates the fourth annual Rovereto Stenopeica. First exhibition of Sunny Flowers.
2013. Completes the cycle of works “Simo.” Portrays craftsmen and merchants in the cycle Lavoratori [Workers] exhibited along the streets and in front of the shops of the historic center of Rovereto.
2014. Launches the edition of a series of artist's books. During the year publishes Fluttuazioni, Ritratti futuristi [Futurist Portraits], Sunny Flowers, Senza parole [Speechless]. Exhibits in Paris at “Page(s) - Salon du livre d'artiste” [“Page(s) – Salon of the artist’s book”]. Participates in the “Civil Pilgrimage of Peace” along the front of the First World War. Publishes the book of reflections and photographs Civil Pilgrimage of Peace. Produces the series of portraits Intreccio [Entwining] for the Triennale of wood in Trento. Honorable mention by the jury of the Moscow international photo awards. Exhibits Simo at the Expert gallery in Bibbiena.
2015. Moves his studio and his residence to a renovated old spinning mill in Nomi between Trento and Rovereto. Produces his fifth artist's book Pellegrinaggio civile della pace [Civil Pilgrimage of Peace]. He handles, creates and sets up the permanent exhibition of the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti in Rovereto: Il Mondo Alla Campana [The World at the Bell].
2016. Dedicates himself to encaustic photography on wood. He presents the cycle Il lago [The lake] in a one person show at the Congress Center of Riva del Garda. Exhibits three of his artist's books at San Donà di Piave for the International Review “Di Libro in Libro/L'essenza dei libri d'artista” [“From Book to Book/The essence of artist’s books”]. He starts the activity Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp [Aromatic homage to Marcel Duchamp] with the installation of the same name, a blog, a dedicated Facebook page and crowdfunding for financing.
2017. Designs and produces the optical apparatus and the Camera obscura at the Museion (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art) in Bolzano for the exhibition Hämatli & Patriæ curated by Nicolò Degiorgis. Takes part in Arte Padova - Contemporary Art Talent Show exhibiting Il Lago. Participates in the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Mandeliue-La Napoule, France, exhibiting Il Lago. Exhibitions at home, in Nomi in Trentino: of the show Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp with presentation of the catalog / report of the project, of the Tentazione oculista [The Temptation of View] and the artist's book Dato a [Given to].
2018. Creates with Lia Grigoletti a portfolio in which he presents a new series of Sunny Flowers. Participates with a solo exhibition in the second edition of Arte Vicenza. Participates with his own space at Autentica unconventional art fair in Verona and wins the prize IVYnode with the work Eco e Narciso [Echo and Narcissus]. In the church of San Osvaldo in Rovereto exhibits Sunny Flowers and Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp.
2019. Designs the optical apparatus for the “Camera Obscura” for the artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò and installs it on the 31st floor of the Pirelli skyscraper in Milan.
2020. In the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti in Rovereto exhibits Bellum. In the Palazzo Rosmini “al Frassen” exibits Radici [Roots].
2021. In the church of San Martino in Lago di Cei exhibits Sunny Flowers .
Solo shows
Sunny Flowers, Lago di Cei, chiesa di San Martino
Bellum, Rovereto, Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti
Radici, Rovereto, Palazzo Rosmini “al Frassen”
Sunny Flowers e Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp, Rovereto, Chiesa di San Osvaldo
Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp, Nomi, private appartment
Il lago, Riva del Garda, Centro Congressi
l mondo alla Campana, Rovereto, Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti
Sunny Flowers, lavoro a quattro mani with Lia Grigoletti, Rovereto, Atelier Foto Paolo Aldi
Personale, Verona, Cantine Bolla
Cibi fantastici, Rovereto, Atelier Foto Paolo Aldi
Personale, Nogaredo, Palazzo Candelpergher
Installazione for Bertolini Arte, Rovereto, Palazzo Bertolini
Castellanza, Villa Pomini, Fluttuazioni, Castellanza, Villa Pomini
Ant, prima e dopo l’inverno 2007, Rovereto, Atelier foto Paolo Aldi
Ritratti in piazza, Foiano della Chiana, Foiano Fotografia VII
Ritratti in piazza, Villa Lagarina, Palazzo Libera
Fluttuazioni, Bruxelles, Atelier ph7
Corpo (s)conosciuto, Villa Lagarina, Festival Identità Territoriali
Fluttuazioni, Palermo, Libreria Dante
Fluttuazioni, Sesto Fiorentino, Galleria La Soffitta
Fluttuazioni, Brescia, Museo Nazionale della fotografia
Fluttuazioni, Massa Marittima, Toscana Foto Festival
Fluttuazioni, New York, Uma Gallery
Fluttuazioni, Rovereto, Galleria Le Due Spine
Impressioni, Villa Lagarina, Palazzo Libera
Corpo (s)conosciuto, Palermo, Libreria Dante
Personale, Palermo, Galleria fotografica Lewis Hine
Cultural activities and group shows
/con-fi-ne/, Sala del Basolato, Fiesole
Autentica unconventional art fair, Verona
Contemporary Art Talent Show, Arte Vicenza
Salone internazionale d’arte contemporanea, Mandelieu la Napoule
Contemporary Art Talent Show, Arte Padova
Di Libro in Libro/l’essenza dei libri d’artista, Rassegna Internazionale, San Donà di Piave
Spazio Temporaneo, Rovereto
Donna, Galleria ExpArt, Bibbiena
Page(s) – Salon du livre d’artiste, Parigi
MIA Art Fair, Milano
A 150 anni dall’Unità d’Italia il messaggio di Pace di Maria Dolens, Strasburgo, Assemblea Parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa
Installazione e performance Acqua … essenza dell’Essere, Rovereto, Palazzo Bertolini
La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens, Marcinelle, Le Bois du Cazier
Senza Lenti, Firenze, Archivio Contemporaneo Stampa d’Arte Fotografica
Senza Lenti, Rovereto, Atelier Foto Paolo Aldi
Contemporary pinhole Photography, Venezia, Spazio espositivo de “La Gondola”
La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens, Basilea, Offene Kirche Elisabethen
La Campana si racconta. Autobiografia di Maria Dolens, Rovereto, Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti
Padre Eusebio Jori, Rovereto, Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti
Lo sguardo stenopeico, Savignano sul Rubicone, Palazzo Vendemini
Tra un tempo che si sfalda e uno che nasce, Rovereto, Auditorium MART
Dimension 2002, Annual National Juried Art Exibition, Winston-Salem (NC)
Mostra Internazionale Senza obiettivo, Siena, Santa Maria della Scala
Arte & Design dell'Artigianato Trentino, Trento, Palazzo Geremia
War, Barcellona, Zero Art Galery
Impressioni, Sacile, Chiesa di S. Gregorio
Arte Europa 2000, Reggio Emilia
Stand Bergger, Colonia, Photokina
Collettiva di fine anno, Rovereto, Galleria Le due Spine
Accademie des beaux arts de Tamines, Bruxelles,
Museo Nazionale della fotografia, Brescia
Associazione Italiana Fotografia Infrarosso, Gubbio
Museo Nazionale della fotografia, Brescia
Premio IVYnode per l’opera Eco e Narciso, Autentica unconventional art fair, Verona
Menzione d’onore al Moscow international foto awards per Simo, Mosca
Primo premio del Toscana Fotofestival con Fluttuazioni, Massa Marittima
Artist’s books
Bellum, 2020
Dato a, 2017
Pellegrinaggio civile della pace, first edition 2015
Senza parole, first edition 2014
Sunny flowers, first edition 2014
Fluttuazioni, first edition 2014
Ritratti futuristi, first edition 2013
Books and catalogs
Bellum, 2019
Back to the Past, 2019
Aromatico omaggio a Marcel Duchamp 2016-2017, 2017
Pellegrinaggio civile della pace, 2014
La Campana si racconta. Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, DVD, 2005
Albero Atomico. Nicolodi Editore, 2005
Ritratti in piazza. Nicolodi Editore, 2004
25 ricette. Nicolodi Editore, 2004
Tra un tempo che si sfalda e uno che nasce. Edizioni Stella, 2003
Senza obiettivo. Protagon Editori Toscani, 2002
Fragliotte vele. Edizioni Osiride 2001
Fluttuazioni. Edizioni Stella, 1999
Impressioni. Edizioni Stella, 1998
Fluttuazioni. Edizioni Stella, 1998